Are my Fuscha's still alive?
By Elpida1
United Kingdom
I planted 2 new Fuschia's in my garden last year and they grew very well and looked lovely. I was unaware that they needed to be lifted for the winter and left them in the ground and cut them back in February. It is now middle of April and there is no sign of life, they look like sticks. Is it still too early for them to come alive or do you think they may be dead.
16 Apr, 2009
Depends on the fuchsia - we leave our hardy ones out all year round, so if these were half hardy and given that this last winter was a bad one then they 'may' be dead but follow Balcony's advice
16 Apr, 2009
They may still be alive. Even though they look only like dead sticks, if you scape away a little soil at ground level around a few stems & then scape away, lightly, a small portion of bark you should see it green or white/cream if it is still alive. :) But if all you see is brown or black under the bark the plant is dead. :(
Try around the base of several plants before getting rid of them. If they are still alive they will soon make green shoots near the base & spring up in a matter of weeks & flower all over again.
16 Apr, 2009