By Suethepen
United Kingdom
Want to thank the members who replied to my question, but can't find a way to do so.
Anyway, thanks.
I asked about using dish washing water on the garden. I should have been more specific. Not Dishwasher just hand basin used water. Seems sucha waste that I have to run the tap water for a while before it becomes cold enough to drink, or warm enough to wash dishes/hands. If I save it in the bowl can I use it on the flower beds? I use soap for hands and Fairy liquid for the dishes so probably it's a 'no'. Thanks to those who replied.
21 Mar, 2012
I keep a bucket and a plastic jug in the bathroom,for the same reason as you,Sue..and get at least 3 full jugs ,every time.,before it runs warm...soon fills a bucket ! I also use my washing up water,but as Beattie suggests,not if its greasy or with gungy goes on the roots of bigger shrubs,with no ill effects..all are fine,and I've always done it..cleanish soapy water can also be thrown on rose bushes to wash aphids you will guess,I am a fanatic at saving water..and just hate to waste it..also on a water meter,so even more reason..
21 Mar, 2012
If you are concerned about the detergent you could change to a "green" one such as Ecover or a supermarket own brand. They are just as effective at washing dishes.
21 Mar, 2012
Thanks everyone. So nice to know you are out there.
23 Mar, 2012
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« Thanks for the info on testing my soil, a great help. Andy
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Re the water you run off waiting for the hot to come through, you could collect this and use it for watering - just need a big bottle or jug, or a container like campers use (one of the small ones, not a big rolly keg, unless you can fill it with a bit of hose).
Washing up water is usually pretty filthy when you've finished - laden with grease and food bits, so I wouldn't use that. If all you've done is rinse a mug that would be OK to put on flowering plants.
21 Mar, 2012