Daff identification please
By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
a soft yellow with the same coloured trumpet but the trumpet is short. its not a very tall daff about 10-12". It was a freebie from a friend who has no interest in plant names.

16 Apr, 2009
possibly Avalon heres what the books says . .. . Large round yellow petals with a bright yellow ruffled cup that softens with maturity to milky white- 30 -40 cm , dont really know though it's the only one in this book that fits seaburn
16 Apr, 2009
but i need to know its name Moon grower, its become an 'almost' obsession. I've looked up avaoln but its too yellow for that.
16 Apr, 2009
look up N obvallaris Seaburngirl. I think yours looks pretty similiar
16 Apr, 2009
I've googled it but those trumpets seem twice the length of mine. thanks for the suggestion though.
16 Apr, 2009
Maybe you should name it N.haventthefoggiest!
16 Apr, 2009
Please don't worry too much. I have at least five different varieties and I don't know the name of a single one of them! All I do know is that they have brought a little bit of heaven into my life.
16 Apr, 2009
I had a more basic geordie expression Mageth but cant possible post it!
I suspect its my virgo traits coming through lol
16 Apr, 2009
I will keep looking for you. I like to know the proper names too. I like latin names, you know exactly whats what
17 Apr, 2009
My friend has looked through her receipts for the last 3 years [how obsessive is that?] and she reckons they are St Patrick's Day. I've googled it and it isnt too bad a match. dont know why she hoardes receipts for years. she said she did it to stop me wittering about needing to know what it is lol.
17 Apr, 2009
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There are hundreds and hundreds of group 2 daffodils which are all lemon yellow. A professional might be able to i.d. from the actual flower or a close up thereof as a pix. We used to grow and show daffies but I wouldn't like to hazard a guess! Just enjoy it and forget the whole 'name' thing.
16 Apr, 2009