why the bend?
By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
This is driving me mad. these flower stems have bent at 90 . WHY? oh WHY? oh WHY?
they are T chrysanthra [something like that] inner tepals are a rich yellow.

16 Apr, 2009
yes they are well watered and the bend happened over 24hrs but the other 3 are still straight. Its just one of life's mysteries.
16 Apr, 2009
very strange . . .. . perhaps they are just looking to see what kind of pot they are in
16 Apr, 2009
or they are looking at the fish. the pot is on the pond wall. the pansy is a self sown job that was allowed to grow. perhaps the tulips think they clashes with the colour :o)
16 Apr, 2009
maybe they are vein and looking at their own reflection!!
some of mine are bent over too, possibly top heavy?
gardeners world recomend some canes and supporters for holding up plants maybe you could use these too? they had some great looking ones for roses that were top heavyx x x
x x
16 Apr, 2009
wasnt that narcissus that did that? lol They are such a slender stem I cant think how without it being unsightly.
16 Apr, 2009
For yaha.org:
The graceful narcissus flower takes its name from a Greek myth. Narcissus was a beautiful youth who refused the love of a nymph named Echo. In punishment the goddess Aphrodite condemned him to fall in love with his own image. Forced to gaze constantly at his reflection in a clear pool, he pined away and died. In pity the gods changed Narcissus into a lovely flower bending its head over the water.
17 Apr, 2009
this is a big perhaps but here goes.could it be relevent to your pond.maybe worth trying moving them away and see what happens.its strange over 24 hours but worth a try.are they bending in towards your pond or out from it ? all i know is there is a reasen for everything that happens in nature how ever strange.
17 Apr, 2009
They have been drawn up in poor light as Moongrower says, or possibly they could have too much Nitrogen in the compost or feed.
17 Apr, 2009
They are straight this afternoon. they get good light all day one of the few spots in the garden that does. It is becoming a game I think. I will see what they are like tomorrow cant wait :-} i think.
17 Apr, 2009
ow ell lol
17 Apr, 2009
your just messing us abou seaburn
17 Apr, 2009
honest i'm not these things do happen and as you said in an earlier reply, NP for a reason. They are straightish this morning and i noticed a slug slithering away so wether its to do with slight stem damage i dont know. I'll have a closer look at the stems later in the day.
18 Apr, 2009
im only joking with you seaburn lol ofcourse everything happens for a reasen take care bye for now
18 Apr, 2009
still straight this morning :o))
19 Apr, 2009
There you go we scared them into behaving lol!
19 Apr, 2009
pity i cant do that with the children! talking of which must get the 16yr old up for gcse revision :o( [not an easy task on a sunday but once up she'll study really well].
19 Apr, 2009
Well, good luck with that SBG.
19 Apr, 2009
nothing like bent tulips maybe theyve gone strate lol
19 Apr, 2009
Seaburngirl... I notice that the tulips are in a pot have you a) kept them well watered b) made sure they are not facing the same direction all the time - the tulips will be pulled towards the light. Oh and some tulips stems just do bend for no good reason :-)
16 Apr, 2009