Can my Genii Fuschia be rescued?
By Gomez
United Kingdom
I planted a Genii Fuschia in a relatively shaded border in my garden last summer. It took to the garden very well and produced some beautiful flowers.
It was labelled as frost hardy when i bought it but unfortunately it seems to have completely died over the winter. It now resembled a twig stuck in the ground!! There appears to be some tiny new green growth at the base of the stem, just above the roots, but it really is tiny!
Should i have cut it back in the autumn/winter?
Is there anything i can do to rescue it, or is it a lost cause?
Any advice would be much appreciated.
On plant
Genii Hardy Fuschia
16 Apr, 2009
new growth is good. it will grow away when it warms up a bit. Leave the dead stuff on a bit longer and when it is less likely to be frosty prune the dead twigs off. in the autumn leave this years growth on and it will protect the roots/base of the plant in the winter.
16 Apr, 2009
I have this very fuchsia in my garden. I have cut it down to the green growth at the base and it is leaping up already. Just be patient - it'll look as good as it did last year soon! Don't forget to pinch out the growing tips every so often to get a nice bushy plant and to raise some new ones.
17 Apr, 2009
Cut it back to the new growth - I think you will be pleased and surprised at how fast it grows back!
You haven't lost it, that's what hardy fuchsias do. :-)
16 Apr, 2009