By Whistonlass
United Kingdom
I have got what appears to be creeping buttercup in all my borders! Yikes. I've been reading about putting down dampened/wet newspapers before putting down a deep layer of bark mulch (5" or so). Would this eradicate this weed or would I be wasting my time with the dampened newspapers?
I've tried pulling up this week but it's tendrels just seem to keep spreading and silly me thought it might be a type of geranium so I didn't worry about it last year...but now there is just too much of it in the borders.
Any advice floating out there, please?
23 Mar, 2012
Weed killer will eliminate it but you'll probably have to do it at least twice.
A weed supressing membrane will also kill it but it will take some considerable time and it will likely find its way out around the edges of the membrane.
23 Mar, 2012
Sorry Anchorman but I doubt a weedkiller will do it...
23 Mar, 2012
Pathclear does kill the creeping buttercup that it touches, but going with the new growth further up the plant it is not systemic. Lifting it this time of year should help prevent it taking over. I have it all over my garden borders and lawn and I should have done more to stop it last year. I read that increasing the nitrogen levels in your garden will help stop it.
23 Mar, 2012
" Sorry Anchorman but I doubt a weedkiller will do it..."
I had a reasonable amount of success last year using two or three applications of glyphosate on a patch in one of my customers gardens . Combined with regular hoeing it kept it clear last year.
There is some new growth this spring but very much weakened. Hopefully I shall eliminate it this year
23 Mar, 2012
Don't use Pathclear on your borders as it will prevent other plants from growing for several months - Glyphosate is safer. But with those buttercups I'm with Moon Grower -the best thing is to systematically dig them out - I was doing it yesterday and it isn't much fun. If they are tangled up with other plants the best way to get them out is to loosen them with a fork and then insert your finger right underneath until you get under the growing point. A sharp pull then and the whole thing comes up. Only do this without gloves if you like dirty fingernails! But with gloves you may not be able to feel when you're in the right place. It takes a long time but it is very rewarding!
23 Mar, 2012
Hi W.lass, nice to see you again, I'm afraid folks are right on here, good advise too, but it is dig, dig, dig, and more dig. Sorry.
24 Mar, 2012
Whistonlass. Obviously you can heed whatever advice you lwant to on here but i've been a nurseryman for 22 years and a professional gardener for 12.
I've taken on loads of gardens infested with marsh marigold,buttercups,ground elder, and virtually any other weed you'd care to mention and I can tell you for a fact that two or three applications of glyphosate combined with regular hoeing will eradicate all weeds except marestail which requires a special weed killer called Kibosh
24 Mar, 2012
Whoops - yes please do not use pathclear on borders! Only use on paths. I think a combo of digging it up (boting but thereaputic) and glyphosate would do the trick. Going by the creeping buttercup under stones and patio in my garden cardboard is not going to work. I have creeping buttercup and marsh marigolds in my garden and it is all my own fault 'I will leave that to see what grows might be something nice'..trusting fool that I am!!)
24 Mar, 2012
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If it is creeping buttercup you need to start digging now and keep digging to remove all the roots and rootlets. Sorry neither newspaper nor any mulch will deter it!
23 Mar, 2012