tall thin shrub recomendation
By Vaseygirl
United Kingdom
Could you receommend a tall shrub (8 ft or higher) which I could grow in a shaded area of my garden. I want to obscure an unsightly buidling behind my garden. The area is shady and is only about 6ft wide and so the shrub also need to grow thin as well as tall.
18 Apr, 2009
A fast growing climber would be a pryacanthia and does well in shade. You could buy one of those stand u trellis' from somewhere like Homebase. Viburnum Tinus "Eve Price" is a good shrub, flowers white in winter, fragrant and evergreen. I'm not sure of the eventual height. You could always prune a shrub once it has flowered as getting a plant for shade and that height will not be easy. If your soil is acidic, you could go for a Rhododenrum but I'm not sure how fast it grows. Try putting "shade shrub" in google and see what comes up. Happy hunting!
18 Apr, 2009
Some of the flowering dogwoods (cornus) have an upright habit. See www.junker.co.uk for the biggest selection in the UK. Karen Junker, who runs the nursery, is very helpful and will be able to recommend and sell you one
18 Apr, 2009
I apologise, I did not read your specification about height, etc. This may be a good choice, it is a Eucalyptus, but a smaller and prettier version of Gunnii. It is evergreen, lovely colour foliage and trunk and also flowers. It is Eucalyptus pauciflora niphophila. This is a link to where you can purchase it or just look at the picture. Copy and paste into your web browser
I bought one from here last year and it is doing very well in my garden. There is more than one height available to buy. The eventual heigh is 5 metres
19 Apr, 2009
You could also try something from the conifer/pine families.
This one might be suitable
It is Thuja occidentalis 'Fastigiata' The Pyramid Cedar
19 Apr, 2009
Previous question
Berberis Helmond Pillar is a good tall , but not wide shrub. Gets to 1.5m tall by about 40cm wide.
18 Apr, 2009