By Daisyco
United Kingdom
My neighbour has a shrub, its about 4foot high with lovely white 20 leaf flowers on which burst from a furry catkin like bud. does anybody know what it is called,
24 Mar, 2012
Most likely magnolia, but the description is confused - 20 petals for flowers, or 20 leaves in a composite leaf, not white? A photograph would be really useful...
24 Mar, 2012
Yes it will be a "Magnolia Stellata" Daisy, I have noticed they are all bursting out just now,not sure about 20 petals but they have a lot and look just lovely.
24 Mar, 2012
I was going to say magnolia stellata too . A lovely thing, and it doesn't get big like the other magnolias.
24 Mar, 2012
Previous question
It could be magnolia? but not sure about the 20 leaf flowers, do you mean 20 petals? :^) not sure if these have started opening yet, also camellias are all opening now there flower is similar to a rose
24 Mar, 2012