By Kate40club
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Im just thinking well ahead here.I have some allium globemaster bulbs coming up nicely its the first time I have ever planted bulbs.When they have finished what do I do with them to harvest for next year? thankyou
25 Mar, 2012
I just have 2 in a very large wooden barrel..looking at them now I think I should have just put 1 in...would I be able to move 1 carefully out for next year show or not?
25 Mar, 2012
Not just now, however careful you are, the growing plant will suffer. Two in a large barrel doesn't sound too overcrowded to me, but then I can't see it? If you decide to move one, you could wait until the whole plant has died back and dig the bulb up.
25 Mar, 2012
Ok thankyou for that Oj :)
25 Mar, 2012
Its the first time for me to plant Allium Globemaster too. So I appreciate your questions and the answers. I have planted 5 together but spaced them so that hopefully the flowers wont bump into each other. I am trying to create a drift of them. I think 2 will be ok in a barrel as I am only presuming that there will be one flower on each bulb, but I could be wrong.
25 Mar, 2012
Yes, Marion - one head per bulb, but quite big!
25 Mar, 2012
thanks again everyone :) good luck Marion !
26 Mar, 2012
Well, they do make a lot of seed, but it would take years to get those into a decent sized bulb for flowering. If you feed them after they have died back, and again about this time next year they should come up again like other bulbs.
(I leave the withered seed heads on for a while because I like them, then I cut them off and stick them in a tall vase in the house. They are pretty.)
25 Mar, 2012