By Dave9i46
United Kingdom
How to keep cats away from my garden?
25 Mar, 2012
And even then you will get other cats in your garden, at least we do and have two siamese...
25 Mar, 2012
don't fancy that idea but thanks
25 Mar, 2012
Don't leave any bare soil, cover with something sharp and gritty which will deter the little dears... Use twigs and sticks between plants. Pebbles and gravel should work well - good luck!
25 Mar, 2012
Sounds a good idea cheers
25 Mar, 2012
one way no one has ever said.half a brick. do not throw when sat on a windowsill.only joking a full one is better.
25 Mar, 2012
Move to a desert island comes to mind..
Seriously you won`t unless you can be out there 24/7 and I doubt if that is the case, you can chase them off when you see them, any other year I`d say a hosepipe but not in a way to actually do them harm...
25 Mar, 2012
There is no hosepipe ban on Merseyside. Though a good water pistol will work better than a hosepipe, which is a little difficult to move around discretely so the cat does not realise.
26 Mar, 2012
there getting better ha ha cheers
26 Mar, 2012
Don't leave grass too long they love that for poops!
26 Mar, 2012
In 2 short words 'Nothing works' with the bold ones. They just stare at you or run a short distance and put 2 claws up. If you want to protect a plant/s put some plant support sticks round it till the plant is established. A rattled door handle will get rid of some of them. The guy next door has put chicken wire in his window boxes. Cats are more of a nuisance when shut in your shed, I have found. Poop and claw marks on the door were 2 results. She didn't come back....she was the one who sat on the citrous peel under the bird feeders!!!!
26 Mar, 2012
When wanting the cat off ones newly tended garden, the last thing on ones mind is discretion Mg, lol.
I nearly scragged one of mine today, little beggar got into one of my greenhouses and knocked a pot flying luckily he didn`t knock any of my new seedlings down as well, it was my own fault really as it was my Catnip that he was eating, its now repotted and moved out of harms way...
26 Mar, 2012
Dry used teabags then add a few drops of eucalyptus oil and scatter round the garden
27 Mar, 2012
That'll make the garden smell lovely!
27 Mar, 2012
Think I'd rather have cats in the garden than the smell of eucalyptus oil to be honest.
27 Mar, 2012
Previous question
Only sure proof way is to get your own cat!
25 Mar, 2012