By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
I'm thinking of getting rid of my pond but I don't want my Gold Fish to go to someone that just wanted them to sell on, I was wondering if anyone lived near to me was setting up a pond and would like them, I'm in Leigh-on-Sea, a lot of them are still black but will change colour in time.
26 Mar, 2012
Or a local pond in a park or council owned garden. I have a huge pond in the garden i look after and people are always putting their goldfish in there. Shame i work in Brighton !!!
26 Mar, 2012
Remember that moving fish can be a problem though as they sometimes react badly to a change of water type. I lost mine once when they had gone temporarily into a friends pond while ours was repaired and they all died when i put them back. Only discovered this could happen after the event. Andy doesn't seem to have the problem though!
26 Mar, 2012
just being moved is stressfull to a dergree and being put into a pond thats cooler than there own water is lethal but floating them in the bags for 20 mins will stop that as much . there isnt much money in goldfish in all honesty so id just put some adverts up localy free goldfish new owner collects . if your worried you can ask him/her if you can see there new home etc .
27 Mar, 2012
Be aware that you can give your fish to a private individual but it is an offence to put them into a public pond or river and the Environmet Agency can prosecute you. Many goldfish carry disease and can infect other fish which don't have an immunity. Nowdays fish have to have a health certificate to be introduced or moved from one environment to another (public, commercial fishery, river or lake).
28 Mar, 2012
jimmy is right but theyed be eaten bye pike etc anyway with there bright colours . just right in the free adds free goldfish byer collects . someone will want them .
28 Mar, 2012
Thanks for all your replies.
Do you know, I just haven't the heart to get rid of my fish after all, they came to the top to eat their food and they seemed pleased to see me LOL I know it was the food they were pleased to see LOL, so I will be busy later on putting in a new liner or a Pre-formed pond, a ''Freecycler'' has given me a lot of Rocks & Cobbles, I will soon be busy LOL
Thanks again all :o))
4 Apr, 2012
best idea im glad x .
6 Apr, 2012
8 Apr, 2012
Do you have a local school who would like them Lady.e.?
26 Mar, 2012