BBC Gardeners World free seeds....
By Craftnutter
United Kingdom
Hi! Have any goyers asked for the above and got them yet? I asked for mine when they first mentioned them (friday before last) I'm worried that if I do get any, it'll be too late to sow the seeds. They are supposed to be carrots, lettuce, squash and beetroot. What do peeps think?
Many thanks! :-)
19 Apr, 2009
Ah thanks Tina2 for setting my mind at rest, phew! I'm not worried about the squash seeds tho'. I wasn't going to give those a go this year, with everything else going on, but if they died I'd be cross! At least being free, if they don't work, I won't be too upset, lol!
Will let you know, thanks again!
19 Apr, 2009
I sent for them too Craftnutter and haven't got mine either, on the last show i think he said 10,000 people had asked for them!!! think we'll just have to be patient LOL
19 Apr, 2009
Thanks Sewingkilla! Patience is a virtue amongst great gardeners methinks. Haven't reached that level yet, lol!!
19 Apr, 2009
Well, I can't help with your question, hun but I got a potato planting kit from a paper on 31st March and haven't received them either. Never having grown spuds before, I don't know whether they'll be any use when I do get them either, lol.
19 Apr, 2009
We can commiserate together then, lol!
20 Apr, 2009
just received an email If no reply by now your chances are virtually NIL. Try again next time??? BBC Gardiners World
24 Apr, 2009
Oh! Thanks Flyfisher, better check my emails......
24 Apr, 2009
Uh oh, got the same as you flyfisher, blow! I'm off to the garden centre in the city to see if I can get the same seeds as they could have sent me......
25 Apr, 2009
I've got my spud pack, CraftN.
Just gotta plant 'em now.
26 Apr, 2009
Oh good Llew, phew! That's good news! Hopefully my spuds will come soon too!
26 Apr, 2009
I sent off for mine within a few minutes of them being mentioned on the programme and haven't had mine yet.I expect if they have been inundated with people wanting them because they are free then it could be some time before we recieve them.
You will be ok for all of the above for a few weeks yet as apart from the Squash which I will sow next month to plant outside when the last of the frosts have gone which all being well will be at the start of June for me in the Midlands,you will be able to sow most of the seeds especially the lettuce and carrots througout the next few months.
The beetroot I sow indoors,pot them on into vending machine cups or those see through plastic water cups then plant them out on my allotment.I found I had a fantastic crop last year and they grew quiet large.I even had a stray one set seed in my compost bin so collected the seed from that which I have sown in the greenhouse.
Let me know please when you get yours and i will do the same when mine arrive....
19 Apr, 2009