By Jackbrewster
United Kingdom
can I use my potting compost for a second year
- 27 Mar, 2012
So do I Seaburngirl - it's called re-cycling!!! lol
27 Mar, 2012
Strange, you won't use compost again if harmful germs and pests are present, yet you will gladly attack your shrubs with it?
If whatever has grown in your compost has grown well then there is no reason whatsoever why that compost cannot be used again. Chempak do a range of suitable products.
28 Mar, 2012
Previous question
its better not to if you can afford to replace it. even though you can add more nutrients to it [slow release fertilizer pellets for instance] and harmful germs/pests may still be present.
i usually chuck it at the base of shrubs or pop it into the compost bins.
27 Mar, 2012