By Marion1
United Kingdom
Two Questions.
Does magnolia grandiflora flower on new stems or old stems. I was thinking of pruning mine slighlty as its quite large but I may have left it too late. Also I used Tomorite last year to feed all of my plants in the ground and in my tubs and they are doing amazingly well, I have some amazing pure white flowers on my camelia (with no tinges of brown on the petals) The only thing is its quite expensive, the garden centre guy advised me to use it on my wisterias to promote flower buds (which fingers crossed it has) The year before I used miracle grow and he said it had too much nitrogen and would only promote lots of leaves which it did. I find the Tomorite quite expensive and fiddly to use, is there anything similar that I can attach to my hose pipe (at the moment we dont have any water restrictions). My problem is that growing next to wisterias are other plants and the roots are big on my wiseria so what I feed that is going to feed everything around it. Many thanks
27 Mar, 2012
Previous question
Can't help you with the feeding but if you prune your Grandiflora - beware - I worked for a large hotel and some bright spark of a manager decided their Magnolia G was getting too big. They pruned it back to about 4 feet and it took 5 years to grow to flower producing height. They are a large shrub/tree.
28 Mar, 2012