yellow loosestrife
By Rosygarden
Swansea South Wales,
United Kingdom
I've just bought one and intend to grow it in a container pot. has anyone got any tips for looking after it.

19 Apr, 2009
Does it have to be in a pot? They like to spread...I've never come across one grown in a pot before!
19 Apr, 2009
well having never grown one before and knowing about the fact that they can be invasive im a little weary to plant it in the garden just in case. what do you think, spritzhenry.
20 Apr, 2009
You can always dig them out if they 'walk' where you don't want them! That's what I do...
I still think it's a border plant, not a specimen one. It goes so well with other plants, especially in a 'drift' of yellow, with blue Veronica. Mmmmm. I have a photo of mine somewhere - I'll find it and point you to it.
I found it quite easily - go to page 90 (start from 91 and go backwards!) and it is photo number 29. I hope you like it. It's also in my very first photo on GOY, before I dug some out.
20 Apr, 2009
I had a gander at you pictures of loosestrife and think that maybe you are right so i'll give it as go and plant it in a bed. by the way it looks fabulous in your garden. tref.
20 Apr, 2009
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they are hungry and thirsty plants. so a big a pot as possible and make sure you keep it well watered but not waterlogged.
19 Apr, 2009