By Darby
United Kingdom
Hi I want to move my Gunnera back about 3ft as it is growing forward and not at the back so when can I move it? and how deep do I dig down to the roots. Thank you It is about 15 years old.
28 Mar, 2012
You can though divide it any time now, in spring before the summer, so your best option might be to slice a section off that contains new growth, replant where you wish it to be with suitable compost etc then dig up and ditch the rest once new section has established. Also, light may have something to do with why it is growing forward and not where you want it to, so moving its position back may just cause the same problem in the future?? Is there any way you could improve the light levels by undercutting/lifting branches on other stuff?
28 Mar, 2012
or putting mirrors round that part of the garden . you can get reflective sheeting on a roll . every bud on your gunnera is a potential new plant . id move a couple just to make sure and maybe pot the others up to sell or swap .
30 Mar, 2012
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« I bought a Berberis linearifolia 'Orange King' today. On the label it says...
Where is your gunnera positioned? frankly would think it unlikely to be able to move a 15 year old plant!
28 Mar, 2012