By Marion1
United Kingdom
Update on Wisteria, I dont know if you remember my previous moan about my wisterias not flowering, I have 3, in different parts of the garden, well I dont want to temp fate but 2 of them seem to have some really nice fat buds on them about the size of my fingernail, so I am hoping these will grow and give me some lovely flowers after 4 years of waiting. I purchased another one today from Silk Tree Nurseries which is 6 years old and grafted, I opted for a 7 ft one and it has some flowers on already as I will never take the chance again with Wisterias from a normal Garden centre. I am going to plant this along the wall of my house.
28 Mar, 2012
wisteria can take up to 7 years to flower so your lack of flowers is quit normal thow bye the sounds of it you have some flower buds comming along . dont worry its normal . you can force them to flower but i dont know how . someone like bamboo would know thow . i hope this helps . surprised know one has answerd your question . take care bye for now .
30 Mar, 2012