By Winifrede
United Kingdom
I have lots of primula plants which are now dying off -- should I just throw them or will they flower again next year
Thank you
31 Mar, 2012
They will all flower again next year and will slowly bulk up so don't go composting them.
31 Mar, 2012
The 'polyanthus' types are usually dealt with by removing all the dead and dying leaves, splitting into smaller plants and replanting in fresh compost to grow on for next year. I am just about to do ours.
31 Mar, 2012
Many thanks for all your helpful replies
31 Mar, 2012
Some people move them to a separate bed somewhere out of the way and replant in the autumn where you want the spring display.
31 Mar, 2012
Yup some folk do Steragram but if you were a plant would you want to be dug up twice a year? This desire to have perfect flowering beds means that plants get dug up and moved and bulbs get their leaves chopped off whilst they are still green - nature is messy, not the immaculate image that some folk try to portray.
31 Mar, 2012
I do agree Mg, its lovely when plants grow into each other andset seed themselves, these plants seem to thrive in the places they choose.......
1 Apr, 2012
Exactly Pam
1 Apr, 2012
How knowledgeable you all are thankyou again for your helpful comments
1 Apr, 2012
Glad to be able to help Winifrede
1 Apr, 2012
Just for the record MG, I haven't done this myself but thought it might be useful to know that some people do.
Because of my OH's job I have been "dug up" and moved myself quite often and I did not like it at all!
1 Apr, 2012
There you go Steragram!
1 Apr, 2012
There I went indeed, and then again, and again! Never saw anything I planted come to maturity. (Except the blackcurrants and gooseberries on an allotment)
3 Apr, 2012
No fun... I can easily guess what your OH's job is... Lots of moving around - no chance to really put down roots or root anything!
3 Apr, 2012
He is retired now, but apart from having no responsibility for particular churches he's still out lots of Sundays. But they can't make us move any more...
6 Apr, 2012
6 Apr, 2012
Are they some you have had in the house or garden? If in the house I would remove any dead leaves and flowers but not plant outside until its a bit warmer as they will need hardening off. If they are already in the garden I would tidy up the leaves probably in may, my primroses have set seed in the lawn and get mowed regularly in the summer and look lovely at the moment.
31 Mar, 2012