Passion Flower Dyeing :(
By Jacque
Norfolk UK,
United Kingdom
Last year i purchased a Passion Flower Climber & its Dyeing ! Its in Full Sun should i have planted it in Shade ? Many Thanx Jac xxx

20 Apr, 2009
Funny, Np, that was exactly my thought before I saw your reply. One thing they always say about clematis', is to put a plant in front of the roots to keep it cool.
I suppose you could cut out the dead bits, give it a liquid fertiliser, plant something like a geranium under it, keep watering it and fingers crossed it'll come back! :-)
20 Apr, 2009
What variety is it Jacque, the leaves look too spindly for the common variety of the passiflora.
20 Apr, 2009
Thanx Every 1 :)
20 Apr, 2009
your welcome
20 Apr, 2009
Hi Jacque! I planted Passion flower seeds last year growing in full sun (quite hot sun for a month or two!) and it grew rampantly up the column and along the balustrade of the balcony above, The seeds were planted into very bad soil - at the edge of a patio with the ground full of bits of slate, tile, brick, and local stones and rocks, but very good drainage. It seems to have defied everything bad and come through again this year with strong shoots on the cut-back stems and new growth from the base. Have I created a monster? :o))
21 Apr, 2009
yes lol
22 Apr, 2009
the lower part at least would apreciate shade.if you think of a cimbers life cycle it would naturaly be in the shade till it reached the canapy.
20 Apr, 2009