By Downsizer
United States
My agapanthus campanulatus "Midnight Blue" is in a pot that I bring in every winter. In the summer is seems to come back and looks healthy but I have never gotton flowers after the 1st year. What can I do?
31 Mar, 2012
I agree Downsizer,there is a limit as to how cramped the pot can a good suggestion to split it..but still overwinter them as usual..The first time I split mine,I didn't get many flowers that first year,but have ever since..
31 Mar, 2012
In a pot, they will need regular feeding also. I would use a feed with high nirogen, low phosphate, and moderate potash, too--21-7-14, 15-5-10, and suchlike are good. Also make sure that they are getting enough direct sun when they are actively growing.
31 Mar, 2012
I'm wondering how long its been in the same pot, for one thing. Received wisdom regarding Agapanthus is that they like to have their roots cramped - personally, I've not found that to be true at all. When I kept them in a pot, I got one flower and then none at all - planted out in the ground, flowers every year and gets bigger every year. I'm not suggesting you do that with yours because this one's frost sensitive, but if its been a while since you repotted, it might be time to do that -either a larger pot, or split them and pot into 2 pots.
The other thing is feed - what have you been feeding with, and when and how often?
31 Mar, 2012