By Bolton_lass
United Kingdom
Fairly compact hardy evergreen climber suggestions welcomed
I have an ugly wall & neighbours building to hide which I've put some trellis up against. Can anyone recommend / suggest a hardy evergreen climber that I could put agaons it? The space is arond 1.5m wide and about 2 metres high and it would be in a pot. The wall is shaded most of the time in a west facing garden. I'm in the north west so it gets very cold & snowy in winter.
1 Apr, 2012
my first thought was Hydrangea petiolaris but it would need a really big pot.
1 Apr, 2012
Ahh I was hoping it wouldn't be an impossible task. I should say it does get some sun but not a lot and it's not a solid wall (is some weird block stuff). Last year I grew my potatoes in sacks in front of it!
1 Apr, 2012
Hydrangea anomala and petiolaris are one and the same - anomala's just its new name. If the area gets some some sun, you could try Passiflora caerulea, but not sure whether it'd come through the winter in a pot.
1 Apr, 2012
Wouldn't the hydrangea get much too big for that area though? A mature one will cover a large house frontage.
1 Apr, 2012
Cotoneaster horizontalis? Not evergreen but it makes attractive herring- bone branches. It might not flower and berry very prolifically in that situation but it would be easy to keep flat against the wall in an attractive fan shape and still attractive when it sheds it's leaves.
1 Apr, 2012
Steragram - it wouldn't get too big because it can't, its contained in a pot...
2 Apr, 2012
AH, yes. Poor thing, a bonsai!
3 Apr, 2012
Previous question
Erm, I think this might just be one wish that's impossible to fulfil. The problem is growing in a pot, particularly in colder regions of the country. First, the pot restricts the growth of any plant you put in it, specially a climber; second, the pot is vulnerable to freezing in winter, and if the compost inside the pot freezes for longer than 3 days, your plant's a goner.
If you want to try anyway, choose the largest pot you can manage - if its a minimum of 2 feet deep and 18 inches wide, bigger if you can, that's more growth room and less risk of freezing. The other restriction is the plant itself - sounds like a very shady situation, so your choices are restricted - Hydrangea anomala is one, Hedera helix varieties, or Fatshedera lizei might survive a winter there - this one has lax stems which you'll need to tie onto the trellis, gets only about 4 feet high, has a variegated version too.
1 Apr, 2012