By Diamond
County Down,
United Kingdom
Hi Everyone..back again to pick your brains lol :0) Have some more plants that i need names for if you dont mind please.. many thanks and always much appreciated :0))
No.1 is a tree thats growing right at the back of my garden fence.. No.2 is a wee tree thats growing in my actual garden and No. 3 i found in the hedge and it appears to be some sort of vine ? It has purple on the underside of the leaf.
1 Apr, 2012
Wondeerd about cherry for the first. Don't know second, and agree honysuckle for the third.
1 Apr, 2012
not saying this is a cherry but my weeping cherry has thousands of flowers like this on it as we speak or should i say type lol .
2 Apr, 2012
Hi Nosey potter..I seem to have cherry tree's all around me lol.. I have some growing at the back fence (outside the garden on private property) and have a large one in my garden. The one in my garden produces fruit for sure because some of the shrivelled fruit are still hanging on it ! My wee tree looks different from the big cherry tree in the garden(as in the leaf colour)but seems to have the same sort of leaf as the one outside the garden.I am going to submit another pic of the tree outside the garden with some leaves on it lol and you can tell me what you think please :0) Or maybe i am just hoping its a wee cherry tree cause i would be a very happy person :0))
2 Apr, 2012
I'm with Nosey on this one - we have loads of cherry trees, and this first picture looks very like one to me. Could number two be Cornus of some description? Can't get the scale of the leaves. Number three definitely honeysuckle.
2 Apr, 2012
Dgw looks spot on to me.
2 Apr, 2012
I'd stick with cotoneaster for # 2
2 Apr, 2012
i have all sorts of cherries round me that lucky for me flower all at different times . theres a huge one thats in next doors garden but so close to the fence it looks like mine . it produces apserlutly thousaNDS OF BIG RED EDIBLE CHERRIES IF YOU LIKE THAT KIND OF THING lol . i hate the caps lock im gonna pull the button of lol . i trimmed it one year taking of all the growth that flowers and fruits . it didnt have fruit the next year funnily enough . the next year it had grown bigger than before i cut it back and the fruits on it . it was heaving with them . a friend popped round and started eating the lower ones . i said i dont like them help yourself . he went and got his ladder but most of the cherries hadnt quit ripend . you should of seen his face when he came back for his ladder and buckets of cherries . he wouldnt believe me that i hadnt picked them and the birds had found them and basicly emptied the tree in 2 days . im not sure id believe me lol but its true lol .
2 Apr, 2012
We have a 30' high cherry tree that bears thousands of the most luscious, sweet black cherries (Duroni - very famous round here) each year, and the first summer we moved here, we were going away just as the fruit was ready to be picked, so we told Daughter and her boyfriend to come and help themselves. They came 2 days after we left and found not a single cherry left. They couldn't believe that birds would strip a big tree so bare in a couple of days, and then they saw the imprints of the local cherry harvester's broad-based ladder in the soft earth beneath the branches. You would have thought they would have had enough of their own, seeing that the entire area is one big cherry orchard. It is not unknown that passing strangers will come into your garden, even while you are there, and just take stuff, on the premise that you have more than enough for yourself. If you are lucky, they will thank you before leaving. So not all blameable on the birds, Leigh.
2 Apr, 2012
it was in my case but my ex friend lol never seamed to believe me . i dont get strangers in my garden with 6 dogs gattina lol . hope your well lots of love leigh xxx .
2 Apr, 2012
I shall have to train the cats to bark! I looked out of the window this morning and saw that loads of our cats were behaving rather strangely, rushing up and down and round in circles, obviously disturbed, then I saw we had a deer (roe) standing in our drive, watching them all. It eventually gave two sharp barks and trotted away from the vegetable garden, which they regularly visit. Maybe the cats do earn their keep after all, and not just by catching vermin!
Yes, Leigh, I'm fine now thanks - just too busy with everything there is to do at this time of year. xxxx
2 Apr, 2012
i did say animals dont do anything for know reasen lol . glad your ok gattina xxx .
2 Apr, 2012
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Wild guess time
1 prunus
2 cotoneaster
3 honeysuckle
1 Apr, 2012