do I need to line the bottom of my raised veg plot
By Burpy
United Kingdom
i have built a raised veg plot and have had conflicting information regarding lining the bottom,can you help me please.
On plant
20 Apr, 2009
What is your raised bed sitting on? If it's on soil, I'd say no, if it's on tarmac/concrete I'd say yes, it will help retain moisture and reduce the need for watering too much.
20 Apr, 2009
depends on how deep this raised bed is.
if it's 18" deep then you could put down a layer of weed control matting , which would allow for drainage . but stop any weeds / roots from coming up into the bed.
21 Apr, 2009
Hi , we did not put anything at the bottom of our raised beds, and everything doing fine
good luck
22 Apr, 2009
Previous question
dont line the bottom with anything , fork the ground and turn it over then put the raised bed on top , root crops send out a tap root that will not like hitting a membrane at the bottom of its world.
20 Apr, 2009