Water for Acid lovers
By Llew
United Kingdom
Is there a product on the market to make ordinary tap water suitable for plants in pots in ericaceous compost? Specifically, Blueberry and Skimmia.
I have the correct feed for them, but obviously don't want to feed them every time I water. I don't have a water butt and even if I wanted one, I've no room for one, so that's out.
I was thinking of maybe filling my watering can in the evening and using that the next day or whatever, for the next watering (only a couple of pots) and I know that the chlorine will dissipate, but what about the lime?
All suggestions gratefully received. :-)
20 Apr, 2009
If you only have a couple of pots how about setting a bucket somewhere to catch the rain water as you don't want a rain butt (we're trying to work out where to put a second one!). Letting the tap water stand for a couple of days isn't going to get rid of the lime. That said unless your water is very alkaline it should be okay. Good luck Lew
20 Apr, 2009
Thanks, girls. :-)
I may well find room for a bucket, Moon Grower, lol.
I won't lose any sleep if my Skimmia leaves, but I'd hate to lose my Blueberry bush.
20 Apr, 2009
Cold tea can be used whatever your water type
20 Apr, 2009
Ooooh, thanks Andrewr! That's useful to know!
20 Apr, 2009
Oh, thanks, Andrew.
I've heard of using tea years ago, but would never have thought about it for acid lovers. Nice one, hun. :-)
20 Apr, 2009
you might have tap water that is slightly acidic. mine is alkaline as i am on chalk.. I must say i have never bothered tampering with the water when i have had a camelia in a pot. it was fine. the feed will make up for it and you dont have to feed them evry time.
20 Apr, 2009