By Jeanette50
United Kingdom
Hello! Campanula 'poscharskyana' is the subject, I was told it was vigorous and I've noticed new greenery in the gravel edges near the raised flowerbed its growing in..plz can somebody advise me if these new sprouts are campanula?? thanx v much in advance! :-)
5 Apr, 2012
I love SOME campanulas - but not this one, I think its terribly untidy and incredibly invasive. My favourite's Campanula portenschlagiana, a neat grower and not sprawly and doesn't seed itself like this variety.
5 Apr, 2012
Thanx Bb..swift as always with your help!! Next question (you knew this was coming!!) Can I uproot and pot on those tiny new plantlets now?? or is there a better way to propagate this plant? ta v much :-)
5 Apr, 2012
Thanx for your post Bamboo..I'm opposite to you I luv sprawly and untidy!! good thing we're all different - or there would be a lot of similar looking gardens haha!! cheers :-)
5 Apr, 2012
I have this on my slope Jeanette and it self seeds regularly, I wait until the babies are big enough ( doesn't take long) then I dig them up and re-plant them where I want them to grow. Lovely plant.
5 Apr, 2012
"Can I uproot and pot on those tiny new plantlets now?"
Yes although I might be tempted to leave it a couple more weeks for it to be growing away more strongly.
5 Apr, 2012
Yup you can uproot and pot on... Bulba's wife!
5 Apr, 2012
And Annella!
5 Apr, 2012
I would go with Anchorman, Annella, and leave them to get a little larger yet, then pot them up during warm, moist weather.
5 Apr, 2012
Oooh I used to grow this in my old was in a totally shady spot and it grew and flowered beautifully every year. It annoyed me because I couldn't spell it's name! But it is a cracker!
5 Apr, 2012
Thanx so much everybody!! I will take your advice and wait a few weeks, they are quite tiny at the mo..
Have a good day everyone :-)
ps thanx MG for the info!!
6 Apr, 2012
Yes, they are campanulas. I love them and excess can be removed 'fairly' easily.
5 Apr, 2012