By Dross
United Kingdom
My forest flame was looking the best ever last night, however the frost came back and the leaves have all been affected, will it return again next year or have I lost it?
5 Apr, 2012
Mine to has been frosted when it was looking its best:(
5 Apr, 2012
It will be fine..
5 Apr, 2012
Previous question
« Hello! Campanula 'poscharskyana' is the subject, I was told it was vigorous...
No, it will recover - the only thing that will kill it is if its in a pot and the pot freezes solid, which it won't at this time of year. You might have to trim off frost damaged growth, but obviously, wait till the worst is over. I've just been out to drop a plastic shroud over my Clematis Niobe, which is smothered in huge buds, waiting to flower, in hopes it'll protect them - forecast temperature here overnight is -2.
5 Apr, 2012