By Scottish
Choisya Ternata Sundance
I planted one of these in the garden around 3 weeks ago. It is/was looking really healthy until around 4 days ago. I noticed that the middle section of the plant was remaing upright but both the left and right hand sides had started fanning out. On farther investigation this afternoon I found that both these sides we not attached to the middle at all. They lifted right out from the soil.
I investigated and there are not splits in the branches as I would have expected to find if something had crushed it. I removed the other part checked all the root area thoroughly and found nothing feeding underneath either.
Both parts have plenty roots therefore I have potted them up to see if they will grow.
Any ideas on what could have caused this. I didn't manage to take any pictures as I wanted to get them right back into the soil. My thought was that the GC had planted 3 smaller plants into 1 pot to make it look bulkier. Would they do this? Thanks
5 Apr, 2012
What they'll say is no, of course we didn't do that, but actually, they may well have done. In autumn, lots of garden centres have small, newly rooted versions of this shrub for people to use as part of a winter bedding scheme. Any left unsold are then potted up and grown on. If they left it till early spring to pot them up, they might easily have put 3 small ones together - they can sell a larger plant for a much higher price, but 3 small ones wouldn't raise much interest at all at this time of year. so yes, I'm afraid it's entirely possible, and I'm assuming that's what's happened because you say each section has good roots. So you've got 3 small plants for the price of one large one - but you may really have wanted one larger shrub. If that's the case, take 'em back and get your money back or get a replacement.
6 Apr, 2012
Thank you Bloomer and Bamboo - that has a sort of 'ring' to it :)
I've potted them on already Bloomer - so I could have 3 after a while.
Bamboo - thank you - I kinda thought I was being stupid thinking this! I've left one bit in the ground and potted the other two up - which are slightly smaller than the middle section. I will complain next time I'm there - if they want them back they are welcome or I will see what the customer service have to say before digging it up and taking it back.
Thanks again :)
6 Apr, 2012
Hope you get sorted,Scottish..they don't take so long to get to a decent size..and such a nice bright addition to any garden..or three places, in your current situation ! Lol.
I love mine..:o)
6 Apr, 2012
I'm looking forward to it Bloomer :). Now if the other two are successful i'll have a trio to look forward to :)
6 Apr, 2012
So you will.! :o)
7 Apr, 2012
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That seems very strange,Scottish..Mine is very big now,and has never thrown out seperate plants..just lots of new branches from the central sounds as though your suggestion is right..but odd that a GC would do that..on a good note,you will probably have three for the price of one..:o).hope they grow well for you..I would be tempted to pot the side ones up for a while,to see if they grow ok..could you have a word with someone at the GC,to see what they say ?
6 Apr, 2012