Is there a way to reverse the effect of glycophosphate put on a lawn in error?
By Debrawaite
United Kingdom
I have come to work after a week off to find the boss has put glycophosphate on weedy areas of the lawn instead of a lawn weed control. He is mortified (an avid golfer with putting equipment on the lawn) can we put something on it to reverse the now patch brown areas affected?
21 Apr, 2009
Once the glycoposphate has come into conact with the grass, then I am afraid that that is it! How I wish that I could remove droplets from accidental victims but there is no solution.
The active components of the weed killer are now finished and you can safely remove the damaged grass and turf or re-seed the areas.
21 Apr, 2009
sadly not the grass will die. Look on the bright side a new turf that may already be weed free. welcome to GoY too.
21 Apr, 2009