By Seggy
United Kingdom
I have a bare fence about 6 feet high and would like to grow a summer flowering shrub to hide it. Do you think Kolkwitzia would be suitable. It would go in a sunny position but it does have a tree nearby so will get some shade in the summer. I have many roses and clematis which do well but would like to try something different. Thank you for your suggestions.
6 Apr, 2012
Thank you for your quick response. It sounds perfect. I have plenty of room sideways I just didn't want the plant to go too far forward. Not sure about planting one just yet as we have the dreaded hose ban in our area. Also I forgot to ask will it have to be supported with a dedicated trellis or wires, or is it self supporting? Thanks again.
7 Apr, 2012
It's not a climber, its a shrub, so supports itself.
7 Apr, 2012
Thanks again Bamboo look forward to planting the shrub in the Autumn.
7 Apr, 2012
Yes, that will be fine - but bear in mind its growth habit, which is to spread as wide as it is tall, and for the branches at the top to arch over - in other words, it takes up a lot of room sideways. Choose K. Pink Cloud - this one blooms more reliably, and eventually reaches about 6 feet high and wide.
6 Apr, 2012