By Anitamay777
North Humberside,
United Kingdom
I planted a Margaton Lily bulb in my garden 2 years ago and nothing came up at all but I have just spotted a lily coming up in the place where I planted it, is it possible that it is the bulb I planted, is this normal for it to take this long?
9 Apr, 2012
I agree with MG. they can take a while to settle in, but it will be worth the wait. Martagon lilies are beauties.
9 Apr, 2012
I love seeing ours emerging each year... especially the white one.
9 Apr, 2012
Thanks for your replies, I cannot remember what colour I planted so it will be a nice surprise
9 Apr, 2012
some of mine didnt show for 2 years but they made up for it with stunning flowers.
9 Apr, 2012
I think martagon lilies take a year or two to settle so your experience is not unusual
9 Apr, 2012
Yes it can sometimes take bulbs an extra year to emerge. Your martagon lily should reappear every year now.
9 Apr, 2012