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London, United Kingdom

Peony. I have just order 2 from QVC and would appreciate any advice on where in the garden to plant them, what to feed them etc :)



Somewhere in the garden in sun, or part shade part sun, where you won't want to move them once they've established - they hate being moved once they've settled. Dig over the ground and incorporate some soil conditioning humus rich material before planting.

9 Apr, 2012


What ones are they if tree peonies plant them deeper than the pot as they will root better , if the normal perenial ones not to deep otherwise you will have all foliage and no flowers

And as usual Bamboo is spot on , only thing I would add make sure other plants dont crowd them out as they get established


9 Apr, 2012


If they are perennial, err on the side of planting them too shallow; the deeper they are planted, the longer they will take to flower. I give mine a good general feed annually, just as the new shoots are starting to grow - sprinkle it round the plant and very lightly fork it in

9 Apr, 2012

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