Orange tree problem (with pics).
By Lp924
United States
Hello Everyone,
I live in Phoenix and have an orange tree (about 15ft tall) that has what looks to be a disease. Can anyone identify this and suggest a treatment please?
I love my tree - especially the smell of the blossoms(!), but, they were very few this season.
Please excuse the poor lighting in the photos - and the fact they are sideways. I tried to right them, but they keep uploading that way.

9 Apr, 2012
I'll have to keep an eye out for the squirrels then. Other than them, only birds and the occasional stray cat visit the yard.
Thanks for your reply.
16 Apr, 2012
we visited Phoenix a few years ago it was much warmer than here.....I,m growing an orange tree for the first time but unlike you mine has to live indoors most of the year, at the moment we are still having sharp frosts....
16 Apr, 2012
It looks like damage to the bark could local wildlife be causing the problem?. Sorry I can,t be more help
16 Apr, 2012