By Roxyanne
United Kingdom
what plants in normal weather should be flowering in autumn
9 Apr, 2012
Autumn flowering crocus, Colchicum, cyclamen hederifolium, there are even rhododendrons that flower in autumn.
9 Apr, 2012
And Camellias come to think of it, there's an autumn flowering version of those, can't recall its name at the minute.
9 Apr, 2012
And Japanese Anemones
9 Apr, 2012
......And Crocosmia, Heleniums and the Geums, which go on and on.......
9 Apr, 2012
I can't believe no-one has mentioned chrysanthemums......
9 Apr, 2012
Well, in my case because I hate their smell!
9 Apr, 2012
There's a ceanothus - 'Gloire de Versailles'' - that flowers in the early summer and again in the autumn. Many salvias are still going strong as well as fuchsias
9 Apr, 2012
thats great folks thank you for your quick response thanx
9 Apr, 2012
Rudbeckia, Heliopsis, Asters, some Sedums (Autumn Joy), Liriope, Nerine bowdenii, Heliopsis, Solidago, Solidaster, Dahlia and Cosmos are some. Also some spring flowers may have a second show in autumn, such as primulas/primroses/polyanthus. Others like Verbena bonariensis will still be flowering from early summer. Clematis viticella varieties will flower from July until first frosts.
9 Apr, 2012