Cyclamen eater?
By Bernard
United Kingdom
My newly planted baby cyclamen are gradually disappearing - it seems that the flowers are being eaten, and I found one plant that had been uprooted and the corm was upside down on the earth. I have aleady discovered that the new shoots of my recently planted hypericums are being eaten by mice and I have constructed protection for them, but I fear in the case of the cyclamen it may be too late. At least if I know the enemy, I can protect them if I decide to buy some more plants.
21 Apr, 2009
Hi Bernard - probably mice but if the corms are okay they will grow again next year.
21 Apr, 2009
But Cyclamen corms are poisonous to both mice and squirrels!
21 Apr, 2009
it hasnt stopped them having a nibble though. there are 5 of the furry tailed vermin now. so lets hope it acts as a contraceptive!!!!!
22 Apr, 2009
Thanks for the info. At least there's a ray of hope as there's no sign of the corms being damaged.I'll just have to figure out a way of taking them off the menu next year. I like the idea of a contraceptive corm.
22 Apr, 2009
mice will also do this to cyclamen but so do squirrels. darn them.
21 Apr, 2009