what is this shrub quite large and woody???
By Ladygardener
KENT, United Kingdom
Does any one know what this shrub is have one other photo of it???
woody and quite large like hydrangea and deciduous as this years growth is coming on the dead branches???
- 21 Apr, 2009
I agree, Sbg - the leaves are also not shiny enough.
Sorry, Ladygardener, we are agreeing but not helping!
21 Apr, 2009
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is it a phygellius [cape fuchsia]? does it have flowers like long tubes a bit fuchsia like, yellow or orange or red.? Could you post a photo of the whole shrub or a bit of it in situ. the more i look at it the more i dont think it is phygellius it seems to serrated for that.
sorry for the waffle.
21 Apr, 2009