Lancashire, United Kingdom
This is a very thick stump of a Buddleja , shall i leave it in or start again?
2nd picture Any idea what this is please
- 10 Apr, 2012
And I agree.
10 Apr, 2012
Oh i'm glad you said that Bamboo!! and i will cut that stem of Aucuba off!!!
10 Apr, 2012
Bamboo i have just googled the Physocarpus ,it says will be 10 foot in as many years , well that one has been in at least 7 and is no where near so will wait til it has more growth and maybe some flowers! and show you again , have another one i want you to look at( coming next ) a small Acer, many thanks for all your info x
10 Apr, 2012
I'd say physocarpus 'Diabolo' as well - at the same stage as mine
10 Apr, 2012
Thanks to all, Bamboo the Aucuba is actually in front of the Buddleja , what should i do?
10 Apr, 2012
I wouldn't worry about it - it's obviously too close I think, but if its that small one you posted a shot of earlier this month, it won't be a trouble this year, but you might want to move it in autumn. The buddleia, as you know, will put on 10 to 12 feet in a season, so should flower well above the aucuba.
10 Apr, 2012
Bamboo no it's not the same one ,it is bigger and the buddleia does flower behind it , can the Aucuba be moved in autumn? it is about 4 1/2 foot tall
10 Apr, 2012
It's a bit large to move, but you can try if you have somewhere else for it - otherwise, just keep the Aucuba pruned all the time.
10 Apr, 2012
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No, leave it in, it's got new growth coming off it. I'm a bit puzzled as to why there's a bit of Aucuba popping up in the middle of it though, or is that just a long stem reaching that far? Cut it off, right back to where its coming from. Hard to say what the second one is - could be Physocarpus Diablo by the shape of the leaves.
10 Apr, 2012