By Karaoke
United Kingdom
I have an established acre tree which I have had for 8 years but this year some branches have died and the trunk and stems are covered in a grey 'bloom'. Do I need to spray and if so what with?
10 Apr, 2012
I grow quite a few of these and do find myself pruning lots of dead (grey) branches every spring ,some varieties being worse than others.Your tree may have a more serious problem and as stated a photo would help .
10 Apr, 2012
i was going to say i find it quit natural to take some dead branch ends of my acers every year thow as said a photo would help and it does sound worse than mine .
12 Apr, 2012
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Not sure, need a photograph really - the grey bloom could be scale infestation, or simply lichen. Cut back the parts which have died to just above live wood.
10 Apr, 2012