By Karinsteph
I have just moved house and taken over a well-established garden. But as a gardening-novice, I don't recognise many of the plants. I wondered if anyone could tell me what the three garden plants are in the photographs, please? (One and two are like shrubs or low bushes, the third is a substantial tree) - Thank you!

10 Apr, 2012
Thanks Marion, it helps to have a starting point as then I start looking further on the Internet etc., so any clues are appreciated :-) K
11 Apr, 2012
The pictures aren't quite close or clear enough to be sure, but number two is definitely a lilac which will shortly give you clouds of the most beautifully scented flowers. The third one looks a bit like a fruit tree of some sort. Is there any way you could get a bit closer in with the camera, Karinsteph, then I'm certain we'll be able to identify them and save you hours of trawling the internet.
Welcome to Goy, by the way!
11 Apr, 2012
Lilac for the second and apple for the third.
11 Apr, 2012
Thanks again everyone - this is a fab forum! As suggested by Gattina, I am adding a closer pics of the first one - there seems to be a consensus that the last one is an apple tree (can't wait for the fruit!) :-) I don't want to be cheeky but have added another two pics of another shrub I can't identify - so any thoughts on this one? (the system only seems to allow three pics so the others have disappeared!). Also - should I prune the lilac, it is quite tall and a bit 'wild' looking? Thanks for your help and patience with me ... I am learning so much!
11 Apr, 2012
Karin, it's much better to post another question with different photographs - I can't tell you how confused I was at everyone's positive ID of lilac, because the pictures present today don't show a lilac. Now I don't know which pics you've added and which one was an original, but for ID purposes, it's better to post 2 pics of a plant - one from a distance, so we can see overall form and growth habit, and one close up, showing detail of leaf, stem and any bud or flower. In the 3 pics I can see currently, the top one reminds me of some kind of Forsythia, but that's only a stab in the dark. As for the other two, not at all sure, not being clear what description applies to which say something about the last one being a tree?
11 Apr, 2012
Karin is new to the site, Bamboo, and has changed all three pictures. Originally 1) was a long shot of the curren 1; 2) showed lilac buds and 3) apple tree buds.
Karin, can you replace the original pictures to this question and then post another question with new pictures? It will save a lot of confusion ;-)
11 Apr, 2012
Oh goodness, sorry for the confusion Bamboo - my mistake ... I will follow Bulbholic's guidance and sort this out ... bear with me :-) thank you! K
11 Apr, 2012
Now that the third picture is visible to me, can I ask when it was taken? Because if it was recent, I don't think that's lilac - hard to tell whether the purple things are flower buds or berries - I'm thinking callicarpa, possibly, if they're berries
11 Apr, 2012
HI Bamboo - this picture was taken about two days ago, this is exactly as it looks now ... the purple things are tiny flower buds, definately not berries. Does that help?
11 Apr, 2012
Welcome to GOY Karinsteph. I'd agree with Bb and Gattina on Lilac for number two, the stems shriek lilac and an Apple tree for no.3 but it may be a crab apple so no fruit or none to eat although they do make lovely jelly. The first one is a real puzzle. Is this the same as the one on your other question because I thought that was a honeysuckle but now I'm not so sure. Don't worry if we seem to be asking questions all the time they are designed to help us help you. As others have said we are all here because of our interest in gardening and since coming on I have learned a huge amount.
11 Apr, 2012
Ah, well not Callicarpa then - but it seems early for lilac, though the leaves and stems are right.
11 Apr, 2012
It really depends where it is. My daughter in NE Somerset has lilac at almost the same stage but mine is not even showing yet. Her callicarpa usually loses its berries by Christmas, but I have never seen the birds at them.
11 Apr, 2012
Hi folks ... you asked whereabouts I am - Lincoln, so East Midlands, sheltered garden, but nowhere near the South lol. Scotsgran asked if the photo no.1 is the same as on the other question, it is, the other one is just a close-up, but this one shows the whole plant, planted on its own as a specimen in the lawn. Thanks everyone for all your help, I am watching the comments with great interest! :-) K
11 Apr, 2012
Well you have created interest for all of us too. we like solving mysteries and getting answers even when we are proved wrong.
11 Apr, 2012
The one in the middle looks like a lilac but cant be sure.
10 Apr, 2012