Growing Strawberries
By Scubasteve
United Kingdom
I am going to attempt (for my 3 year old daughter!)to grow some Strawberries for the first time in pots. I have got the plastic pots that interlock to build a tower with space for 12 strawberry plants that I have already bought (Elsanta). How can I help myself to get best from these plants? Ie. should I plant in 100% multipurpose compost?, should I put in small drainage holes with gravel in bottom?, what should I feed with (got some MiracleGro already, is it suitable). Appreciate any replies to help me on my way to a bumper crop!!!!!
10 Apr, 2012
sorry i cant help im more of a pond and garden designer myself .
12 Apr, 2012
hello sorry you didnt get answerd . i suggest you directly ask bamboo or doctor bob as they are true plantspeople x .
12 Apr, 2012