By Karinsteph
Following up from my previous question regarding identifying some plants in my new garden, as suggested, I am adding a closer pics of the first specimen- I don't want to be cheeky but I have also added another two pics of another shrub I can't identify - so any thoughts on this one? Thanks for your help and patience with me ... K

11 Apr, 2012
I'm inclined towards Cornus for the second one, but I'm not certain. As for the first, well, not at all sure either - might need to wait and see what it does in terms of flowering.
11 Apr, 2012
I think if the second/third plant is a cornus then it does get cut back in Spring. The books recommend cutting it back to 2-3" in March. I would try cutting back one third of the stems to that level and see how they do. If the plant has not been cared for taking off anymore than that might be too big a change for it to handle. Bamboo is very knowlegable about shrubs so she may not agree. The first one does look like honeysuckle but it won't do it any harm to trim it if you need to or leave it until it flowers to see if that is an aid to identifying it. If it is honeysuckle it will not come to any harm from a good haircut later on.
11 Apr, 2012
Pics 2 & 3 might be ceanothus 'Gloire de Versailles', a semi deciduous one that can be pruned to within a bud or two of the old wood. The way the new growth is shooting looks like mine. But wait for a second opinion before you rush out with the secateurs
11 Apr, 2012
My advice is to hang on a bit yet - the leaves on the third one will open and more growth will appear and even if it is Cornus, that can be hard pruned in May, so leaving it till later in April will be fine.
11 Apr, 2012
Is the first one periwinkle?
11 Apr, 2012
No, absolutely not - if only periwinkle grew like this, I might start planting it again, lol
11 Apr, 2012
No I don't think so. I'm beginning to wonder if there are two plants here. The straggly bare stems look like honeysuckle but the leaves do not seem quite right.
11 Apr, 2012
Oops, lol Bamboo:-)
11 Apr, 2012
You're right, Scotsgran, the leaves don't look quite right for honeysuckle, but I have a rogue one in my garden (inherited, nameless, scentless, rampant, nuisance) that I have cut down and tried digging out time and again, and it growing back, stronger than ever just now, and is looking remarkably similar to this picture, even the shape of the leaves.
11 Apr, 2012
Still not sure about number one - could it possibly (very long shot, this) be a regenerating honeysuckle? Number two is a bit of an enigma, too. Whatever it is, it isn't at all happy, is it? Could it be some kind of Euonymus/Cornus? (dogwood) I think you may be advised by the people who know what they are talking about to cut the damaged bits of this off, even at this time of year, to see if it will recover. Having said that, there do seem to be some healthier shoots coming, and mid April is probably a bit late to be pruning.
You aren't being cheeky or trying anyone's patience, you know, Karinsteph, we all enjoy having a challenge and our knowledge tested. That's what this site is all about. Ask away! Almost always, someone will know!
11 Apr, 2012