By Tellboy
United Kingdom
would outof date beer and lager do any harm if thrown onto plants on my border
11 Apr, 2012
Or drinking it yourself - beer doesn't go out of date!
11 Apr, 2012
Beer is acidic, has no nutrient value and the sugars in it are likely to attract slugs and aphids (I wonder why I like beer!). As Mg says, beer does not go out of date so just enjoy it.
11 Apr, 2012
if theres more than 14% alcahol it cant go of . the beer will only be ok if the lids been kept on .
12 Apr, 2012
theres a lot of people ive seen throwing tinned and sealed bottled items that are out of date away . realy your nose will tell you if something goes out of date . ive seen a tin of corned beef still edible after over a hundred years old . its just on there to cover the cfompanies a&%%$s realy . lets face it a lot of salad especialy lettice can easily be out of date before the date and if your fussy like me bread isnt very nice apart from fresh thow it hasnt gone of . blue cheese is a fungi running threw the trees . i believe antibiotics is made from the same mould you get in cheese . even straberry jam you just scrape the fungi of the top and its fine . lets face it the food companies dont mind you throwing food away as you have to replace it . i know i went a bit off the subject lol .
12 Apr, 2012
Well yes you did NP, but it needed saying. But the mind boggles at the idea of beer with 14 percent alcohol!!
12 Apr, 2012
well that would be a very strong beer lol and i think your mind would more than boggle somehow lol . theres so much waste these days and ive seen people litteraly binning there tinned goods because they are out of date . the subject just reminded me lol . 14% is the alchohol to volume rate wear it cant go of as such because of the amount of alchohol lol xx .
12 Apr, 2012
Boggle boggle... :))
13 Apr, 2012
who said that hik upp lol xx .
14 Apr, 2012
I'm not so drunk as some no theeple pink I am...
14 Apr, 2012
lol ive got on the wagon and dont any more .
14 Apr, 2012
I don't much either but my wagon isn't entirely dry!
20 Apr, 2012
lol x
20 Apr, 2012
You'd do better putting it in sunken containers to trap and drown slugs!
11 Apr, 2012