By Grans_garden
United Kingdom
I have enjoyed my first winter with my new greenhouse and have spent many happy hours in it with radio on and the heater of course. Now I read in Gardener's world that I need to put up netting to avoid scorching the plants in the direct sunlight. Have you any tips to help me to do this please? When do I start? Is the net kept on all the time? How is it attached? It is a small hexagonal greenhouse; each side being 2' 6".
Thank you in anticipation.
12 Apr, 2012
I used to use old net curtains draped over wire. At the moment I am using old shower curtains. They keep the heat in, in winter and keep the scorching sun off the plants in summer. I was not happy at the thought of having to paint on then wash off white paint to do the same job in summer and I do not heat my greenhouse so it prevents plants like my overwintering geraniums from being frosted. I can whip them off wash them and rehang them in hours none of which takes up any of my time.
12 Apr, 2012
It would depend on the material of your green house. If it's wooden framed, you could probably used drawing pins to pin the netting up. If aluminium, you can buy these small "key like" plastic clips that you put into the slot and turn to secure the netting.
Personally, i prefer using liquid cool glass which you spray on then wash off in autumn.
13 Apr, 2012
Hello Grans garden so thrilled you are enjoying your greenhouse.
Can we have a photo:)
I have green netting on only one side of 1 of my green house the other has bubblewrap.
Like Scotsgrans idea.
13 Apr, 2012
I watched a program about this yesterday and they had put net curtains up as if it was a little house! MUST STAY PRETTY!!!!
13 Apr, 2012
Hello and welcome to GOY Jill
I must say upcycle net curtains to greenhouse just perfect :)
13 Apr, 2012
Thank you everyone this is very helpful. I think it will be the net curtains round the sides. I might spray liquid cool glass on the top of the greenhouse as it is hexagonal shape and not easy to attach fabric to.
Moon grower, I have tomatoes, marigolds, penstemons,
fuchsias, geraniums, asters, dahlias, lobelia, begonias and petunias. The greenhouse is choc full and I have a small plastic greenhouse for the overflow. I think I got a little carried away.
I will have a go at posting some photos tomorrow.
14 Apr, 2012
What are you growing in your greenhouse Gran?
12 Apr, 2012