By Niverdeen
United Kingdom
I have a Garrya and would like to try and take cuttings
would now be the time to do so or later on in the year?
13 Apr, 2012
Thanks TT will do as you suggest OH just made me another cold frame so I'll try some in that and hopefully I'll have your success. Garryas are a real show when all else is fading or gone for winter will keep you posted :)
14 Apr, 2012
I'm not very experienced with cuttings, but I found it was necessary to keep my baby JR's in the shade all the time....
... they will wilt in the sunshine until established... Please let me know how you get on ... maybe p.m. some time in the future. Good luck :o)
14 Apr, 2012
Thanks TT maybe I'd better keep them in shade don't know what I was thinking ...getting a bit over eager to use my cold frame???
Just love this website so many lovely friendly people :)
14 Apr, 2012
Have fun and experiment with the cuttings. Maybe put a few in the cold frame... a few in the shade ... a few somewhere else !
It will be interesting to find out which ones do best :o)
15 Apr, 2012
Personally, I would have a try now, and then if they don't look successful, just keep trying. I've made some babies of Garry Elliptica James Roof from cuttings, which are now little shrubs in my garden. :o) Good luck with yours.
13 Apr, 2012