By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
How to cancel my membership to this forum
14 Apr, 2012
You could just have a break Steve,instead of cancelling..lots do,and come back as and when they feel like it..and I can see you may not have a lot of spare time,with getting your Allotment up and running..please give it some thought,as it would be good to see how it progresses...
14 Apr, 2012
Gosh!'ve been a member for a long time. I hope nobody has upset you. Like all groups, people can be a bit off hand at times, but on the whole they are a pretty good bunch. Bloomer is right .......take some time out and let us see more of your allotment when you feel like it.
14 Apr, 2012
I`d be sorry to see you go as well Steve, hopefully see you in the future, wishing you well with your allotment...
14 Apr, 2012
Why do you want to do that ? It seems a bit drastic. I hope you won't do it and regret it afterwards. You've been a member for so long. I hope you change your mind.
15 Apr, 2012
just dont come on here and see how you feal . i nearly left and did that but changed my mind . glad i did .
15 Apr, 2012
Been a bad 3 weeks with my mum being in hospital we have had a scare with the prospect of her having to have an leg amputation due to diabetes but so far so good she has responded well to treatment and also my step mum is starting to go down hill fast with MS so the allotment and garden has taken the back burner but mum being mum insists that I must carry on so I am still going to be around on goy and still be asking questions
17 Apr, 2012
LIfe's a at times, Steveg - sorry you're going through the mill, but your mum's right - you need a bit of light relief occasionally, so cutting yourself off from here isn't really a good thing to do. I wish both mums well...
17 Apr, 2012
I are going through a bad time,Steve..but cancelling won't make things better..glad to hear your mum is responding well,and also sorry to hear about your stepmum too..hang on in there,and like Bamboo says,coming on here will be a bit of light relief..and digging that allotment will help too..when you feel like doing it..nothing like it for relieving stress ..I sincerely hope things start improving for you all..take care..
17 Apr, 2012
me too and anyway you can leave goy for as long as you like and come back .
17 Apr, 2012
Erm, I hesitate to ask why - has something horrible happened? Because if it has, there's more than one way to skin a cat (sort things out) if you're leaving because of it.If you really want to delete your membership, you need to use the Contact Us below and tell them to take you off.
14 Apr, 2012