By Nana_d
United Kingdom
Hi I have tried to grow a Passion Flower and a Montana Clematis in pots for the last two years and not been successful, my montana looks dead although when I break a twig it is still green inside? Saw a montana in someone elses garden in full flower already is mine dead or shall I leave it a bit longer? Also my Passion flower has some green stems but I cannot see any buds on it yet again should I wait a little longer or buy new?? They are in sun most of the day (when it's out!)
16 Apr, 2012
Thanks Ojibway it is possible for me to plant into the ground with the Montana but not possible to do the same with the Passion Flower. Looks like another purchase then for the Montana!
16 Apr, 2012
Agree that the Clematis Montana needs to be in the ground. As it is green it may come up and flower this year. It needs lots of water and soil so the pot does not work.
The Passion flower can be kept in a pot, in fact as it is not hardy in most of the UK, keeping it in a pot is a must for most of us! Just make sure that the pot is kept moist and fee every 2 weeks.
16 Apr, 2012
Many thanks Kildermorie so glad I can keep the Passion Flower in the pot as it is on a patio area with no soil but the montana I do think has died so I will get another and put it in the ground:)
16 Apr, 2012
I'd guess your montana isn't dead at all - the restrictions of the pot have meant its just sitting there, unable to do anything. They're pretty hard to kill, put up with lots of abuse. If, as you describe, any stems are green and pliable, plant it out into the garden. If its alive, it will romp away in no time.
16 Apr, 2012
I agree, Bamboo. Nothing to lose, Nana_d?
16 Apr, 2012
Thanks Bamboo will give that a try before purchasing another:)
16 Apr, 2012
I would say that the Montana roots would be too big and deep for even a big pot and it would be happier in the ground, if that's possible.
16 Apr, 2012