By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I am wanting pot up and transfer some tomato and cucumber plants from my heated greenhouse to my unheated poly tunnel on my allotment to create some greenhouse space will they be ok or will they suffer the cold at night or would it be worth getting a paraffin heater.
17 Apr, 2012
Tomatoe,s need a minimum temperature of 50 deg f , below this growth is slowed down considerably, any frost and you will lose them, so if you put them in your poly tunnel, then I would invest in a heater of some sort, personally I prefer a propane heater, but you should leave the bottle outside, as any leakage, however small would kill your plants. Derekm.
17 Apr, 2012
Hi Steve. Mine are already in an unheated greenhouse but I believe a poly tunnel loses heat from the sun rather faster than a glass house. I suspect that mine might be slowed a bit by the transfer but I risked it because I needed warm space for other things. If you are not really in a desperate hurry, I would wait another couple of weeks especially as inland, where you are, the day temperatures may be a degree or two higher than I get but the nights are a degree or two colder generally. I don't think they will die but it may slow them and stunt them.
17 Apr, 2012