United Kingdom
Hi all
Please excuse my ignorance as I'm totally new to this gardening lark.I'm starting small,I'm attempting to grow fruit!So far I have several small,individual pots on my kitchen window sill with cucumbers and tomatos,which are coming on leaps and bounds,well there are shoots and leaves,so that's a promising start,but now I have been bitten by the G Y O bug and bought 20 (yes 20) strawberry plants.Not sure what road to take,I went to a garden centre and bought 4 Miracle Gro Fruit & Veg planter bags to grow them in.I planted them earlier,but I'm not sure how long they're to stay in these bags,e.g am I to transfer them once established into pots or are they content to stay in the planterbags and then I support them if and when the grow?
I would invest in some pots etc,but I'm really limited to outdoor space and as I'm new to this gardening thing I'm a wee bit reluctant to spend too much if I'm not successful at it!It would be great to hear any other experiences of these planters that I might benefit from or recommendations!
Also,I have some potted Rhododendrons which look like they need something to perk them up,but I'm trying Azalea Miracle Gro feed on them also,but if that doesn't work I'll be back with some pics!
18 Apr, 2012
Again I agree with Moon growe.
Can I suggest you use the alphabetical index here as it has been designed for people such as you;
and in particular this page;
18 Apr, 2012
I expect you do agree with MG. She really does know what she's talking about.
18 Apr, 2012
Many thanks to the people who took the time to reply so quickly to my message,your comments have been a great help.With such helpful folk,I can see that this site is going to be a massive help to me.
19 Apr, 2012
You are welcome Clueless :-)
19 Apr, 2012
You can plant your strawberry plants into the planter bags and leave them there but the bags themselves will only survive for a season or two at most. Consider one of those towers for strawberries, look like a very tall chimney pot with lots of holes to plant the strawberries in.
Regarding your rhododendrons unless they are dwarf ones and the pots are very big you will find they do not do well for more than a year or so becoming pot bound and straggly. Photos would certainly be helpful... in this case I would suggest you start a completely new question so that all the folk that grow rhodos are likely to see.
18 Apr, 2012