By Griff77
United Kingdom
Hi, just joined the site and have a cucumber question. I have some Marketmore cucumber plants which I have grown indoors for about 5 weeks now. They are only about 10" tall at the moment with 3 large leaves and a 4th getting bigger. I will hopefully be moving them into growbags soon and was wondering how big they should get before I do this. Also when do I pinch out the growing tip and can someone breifly tell me what this is exactly. I have some idea, but am new to growing so any advice will be gratefully taken onboard. Many thanks
18 Apr, 2012
The plants are currently in 4" pots and I can see the roots at the bottom of the pots. I was intending on putting them in growbags outside, but the weather is horrible at the moment. I'm in the South East and it's a bit chilly and raining a lot at the moment. Maybe I should keep them indoors for longer?
18 Apr, 2012
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Quote; I will hopefully be moving them into growbags soon and was wondering how big they should get before I do this.
Where do you plan on putting your growbags? indoors or out?
I don't know where you are but I would say the only place suitable at the moment in the UK is in a heated greenhouse.
Regarding size; What type of container are they in now as this will dictate when to plant them out.
That is they don't want to become rootbound in a pot.
Quote;Also when do I pinch out the growing tip and can someone briefly tell me what this is exactly.
Pinch out the growing tip after the fifth/sixth pair of leaves this will encourage the formation of sideshoots.
Stop each lateral (fruit-bearing growths) at the second leaf joint.
Remove tendrils and pollen-bearing male flowers to prevent bitter tasting fruit as they appear.
This link will offer some further information.
18 Apr, 2012