By Amonroth1
United Kingdom
how to sucessfully grow helabores
19 Apr, 2012
Hellebors are pretty amenable to most conditions Amonroth and you could probably have rephrased your question "how NOT to grow hellebors successfully".
They are comfortable in most soils but I suppose plenty of humus and a semi-shade position would be ideal. They produce a large root system so should not be disturbed once you have planted them. Remove the seed heads before they ripen or you will have millions of seedlings to weed out.
19 Apr, 2012
Great timing! I was given 9 seedlings the other day and potted them up into larger pots and was wondering where to put them. Thanks everyone.
19 Apr, 2012
THANX ALL,the reason i asked this question,i recently purchased 1,from my local(b n q)!!! the stem looked rather "droopy",so i perservered n the main flowers dropped +i pollenated them myself,+have kept the seed,the plant iz in normal compost,mixed with grit,even the flowers have changed color,I HAVE BEEN TOLD TO TREAT THEM LIKE A WOMAN.ROUGH,BY THE PERSON WHO TOLD ME!!NOT THAT I BELIEVE IN THAT,BEING A WOMAN "MYSELF"!!anymore info would b grate,THANX ALL AGAIN,:-)))) amonrothxx
23 Apr, 2012
I find they are not fussy plants but mine grow best in light shade in slightly alkaline soils that retain the moisture but dont get waterlogged. I also have some in quite deep shade but they have fewer flowers and I have some in full sun and their flowers fade quickly.
19 Apr, 2012