By Cacti66
United Kingdom
What is this ? Thanks.

20 Apr, 2012
It looks like a euphorbia to me but I dk which. If you add another photo showing the foliage then someone might be able to be more specific. Welcome to goy.
20 Apr, 2012
Great minds think alike Bloomer. I thought I was going to be the first answer.
20 Apr, 2012
Lol,Scotkat..I was going to suggest seeing the foliage too..if I had,you would have been first ! :o)
20 Apr, 2012
I'm ancient compared to Scotkat, she might be offended at your mistake, but I'm sure the advice would be the same from her too. lol.
20 Apr, 2012
Havent got any more pictures to show ...a friend put this picture on facebook asking what it is so i th
ought id pick brains of GoY :-)
20 Apr, 2012
Oops sorry, mixed up with the Scot was early,that's my excuse,as I am pretty ancient too :o)
20 Apr, 2012
That is okay Cacti66. Have a good look at the height of the plant and the colour of the foliage and then visit a local garden centre. You may be able to spot a similar one there and get a more definitive answer. We all like a challenge on this site and will help if we can.
20 Apr, 2012
Just thought if you click on E in the A-Z at the foot of the page and then on Euphorbias you or your friend might be able to id it amongst the photos on there.
20 Apr, 2012
It has to be a euphorbia - I'm just joining the discussion because I'd like to know what it is, too. It's so pretty and unusual.
20 Apr, 2012
Foliage is the deciding factor for ID, so seeing that is important. Most likely some kind of Euphorbia - when its in flower like this is also important.
20 Apr, 2012
coralloids ?
20 Apr, 2012
No, don't think so, the heads on this one are too full and round for that. Pity we don't know how tall it is, nor what time of year these bracts are produced... If the head of bracts (flowers) is longer than its wide, it might be E. wulfenii
20 Apr, 2012
Wonder if its a Euphorbia ?
20 Apr, 2012